Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Band of Bandits. The Ugly, The Uglier and The Ugliest.

Who is the Ugly ?  We will come to it later.   The Uglier, K.Radhakrishnan and the Ugliest.... ?   Who else than our Jaffer Sait.     Why this posting about the uglier lot ? You will see... ....

Jaffer Sait, who considers himself as the almighty has become so desperate that he want to fix savukku in a sexual harassment case.   Day before yesterday (11.10.2010) there was a meeting in the white house of Chennai.  The only agenda of the extraordinary general body meeting of the band of bandits was to destroy ‘savukku’.  

Unfortunately, the extraordinary general meeting concluded, before any final conclusion could be arrived at.  

A person conspicuous by his absence was Shankar Jiwal, who is on a personal visit to USA and Spain. 

Congratulations Jiwal.   Heard that you are joining RAW next month.    Now you are about to be posted to a right place, because in your new posting you can excel by eavesdropping on your counterparts.   But be careful man, your counterparts are more sophisticated than you in eavesdropping... ... !

Now lets find out who is the ugly.    A person,  who has recently became the prodigal son of the ugliest, is the ugly.  It is none other than Sunil Kumar.  

Why he joined this band of bandits is that he felt he has been unreasonably left out from the band.  

The Bandit King Jaffer, found this prodigal son left alone in the presence of honest officers and brought him back to the proper place viz band of bandits.

In the Extraordinary general body meeting various ideas were put forth by the members to destroy savukku.    Scintillating Sunil, put forth the suggestion that he has already intensified the departmental disciplinary proceedings against savukku and he would intensify it further.    But, bandit king was not impressed, for he knows savukku would not be deterred by such petty things.   So the transcripts of the conversation of savukku and his friends were discussed.     Why savukku’s phone is put on monitoring... ?  That is why Jaffer Sait is the ugliest.   Not only the ugliest, but also the meanest, because this PEEPING TOM doesn’t have any sense of sanity or shame to do such indiscriminate eavesdropping on friends, and foes alike.  

The next idea put forth was to incriminate advocate Pugalenthi also in a sexual harassment case and write dirty stories about both Pugalenthi and Savukku through the pimps in their pay roll.  Though Sunil Kumar was tempted to go with this idea, he also gave a word of caution that the person who would be registering the case against either savukku or pugalenthi may let them down and it may turn out to be a fiasco.

Peeping Tom’s next suggestion was to fix savukku in a severe false case, so that he would never come out of JAIL.   He also made a suggestion that some body may entrusted with the work of picking up a fight with savukku on the road and beat him black and blue, so that he would be hospitalised at least for a month.   

Scintillating Sunil, who wets his pants on hearing Peeping Tom’s name praised Jaffer for such a wonderful idea and said that this should be implemented ASAP.

If the Band of Bandits are having wet dreams that savukku could be cowed down by such empty threats, they would be in for a surprise.

K.Balu, former DSP of Cyber Crime Cell, CB.CID, now Additional SP, DCRB, Sivagangai and his team used third degree torture methods just to get a confession implicating Jaffer Sait’s sworn enemy in the ‘telephone tapping’ case.    Even it was negotiated that the torture would stop, if the officer is named.  

But Jaffer, did Balu not tell you that he failed to extract a single word from savukku ?   But Jaffer, under delusion from his anger tried another trick to implicate his enemy....   He tried to subject savukku to ‘narcoanalysis’ test in Bangalore to somehow implicate his enemy.   Dear Jaffer...   Do you think, sodium pentathol could bring out something which a whole night’s torture could not ?    You are mistaken dear. 

Unlike you or your buddy Sunil Kumar, savukku doesn’t possess properties worth crores throughout the state.   We have got nothing to lose Jaffer.  Let me remind you of Chairman Mao’s quote:

“Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather.”

Jaffer, nothing endures but change, including your position of power.   Your days are numbered Jaffer.   

Do not forget, a thousand Damocles swords are hanging above your head and you are surrounded by Judas.   You will be sold for a few pennies, with which you buy people now.

Sunil, you were an officer who resisted pressure even from the Chief Minister to give a false complaint.   But, your Achilles heel,  your son, has made you a weak-kneed person to play second fiddle to Jaffer.     And you are pursuing innocent persons by abusing your position as DVAC’s Joint Director.... .....  !!

Sunil, you have more skeletons in your cup board than any one else.  If we start to wash your dirty linen in public, the damage would be unbearable even by a thick-skinned person like you.

1 comment:

  1. dear savukku
    please take care of these people
    you people should be active in order to threat the corrupted officers.
